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Direct booking

To book a date, simply use our booking form. If you wish, you can also send u an email or call us directly. So that we can fulfil your wishes as quickly as possible, we also need in the email and when calling all the information that you find in the booking form.



write an E-Mail:


Once you have decided on a model, you can book your date using the booking form or phone. Please indicate how you would like to be contacted. You can choose between Telegram and WhatsApp messenger services by email or phone. If you have selected telephone as your con-tact request, please indicate the ideal time at which you can be reached.

As soon as we receive your request, we will check the model’s availability. Afterwards, we will contact you to discuss the necessary details and fix the booking. We will inform you about all further procedures during this personal meeting, such as the deposit or the contact, shortly before the date.

Do not hesitate to ask us any questions during this conversation and inform us about your individual, inti-mate wishes.  


You can book your desired model via our booking form. Bookings are also accepted by tele-phone. Discretion is always our top priority, also when treating your data.

Your escort lady will be happy to meet you outside your home town, anywhere in the world. Ac-cordingly, travel expenses will be incurred. These are calculated individually and depend on the distance as well as the chosen means of transport. However, in most cases, the client’s travel costs are much lower than expected.

Leave a paid round-trip ticket at the airline counter if your desired location can only be reached by air. Upon request, we will gladly take care of booking the airline ticket.

Please pay for your date or the chosen service conveniently by bank transfer or cash deposit to our account. At least 40% of the fee, including any travel expenses, must be paid as a deposit. You are also welcome to transfer the entire fee. Please settle the remaining amount at the begin-ning of the date.

Currently, the following services are offered: Dinner date, escort, lifestyle, girlfriend service, sports escort, office visits, striptease show, cyber-dates, chat service, couple service, vacation escort, airport visits, business escort, erotic massages, role-playing, BDSM and women erotic. If your desires do not meet with these offers, please call us. We will also find a suitable model for your ideas, for your pleasure is our priority.

Our highest premise is to provide you with unforgettable, breathtaking experiences with our es-cort ladies and fulfil all your wishes – even the most intimate ones. To do so, we will organize dates precisely according to your ideas. If you have any special wishes or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us when making your booking. You can also send us a non-binding email in advance or call us.